Advanced Search

Use this function to search assets specifically as per defined values.

When this option displays in a window (such as Adding a New Task), click Advanced Search. The Advanced Search window displays.

1. In <choose field> (for example, First Name), click the drop-down list and select from the field names shown. A "field name" can be such items as Display Name, Roles, Group,s and so forth.
2. For the <choose operator> (for example, Does Not Contain), click the drop-down list and select from the choices shown. An "operator" can be such items as Contains, Does Not Contain, Starts with, and so forth.
3. For <value> (for example, a), click the drop-down list and select the specific criteria to search for based on the field type. For example, if the Field Type selected is "First Name," the <value> can be a portion of the possible first name, such as the letter a.
4. To add an additional row with a field type, operator, and value, click AND or OR. A new row is added.
5. Repeat the above steps for each field.
6. To remove a row, click the X at the end of the row.
7. When all selections/entries are made, click Run. The matching search results are displayed.
If no results are found, a note displays in the results window.
If there are multiple results that exceed the length of the results window.
8. Select the applicable result and click Add.
The selected items display in the applicable fields on the window from which the search request originated.